Through this video I predicate my discussion upon the awareness of the "SELF" and "OTHER" when speaking the ancient Egyptian language (MDU NTR) or performing another culture, and the credibility one engenders when performing MDU NTR (MEDU NETER). Lastly, I try to establish a genetic relationship between the Ekegusii, Mdu Ntr, and Hebrew as Bantu languages through through lexical terms and their etymologies in the same spirit. I tackle the branch of Mdu Ntr scholars who deny HEBREW-ISM as a part of AFRICAN-NESS and Egyptian culture.
In the second and last part of this video I show examples of ancient Egyptian or MDU NTR, as well as ancient Hebrew in the EKEGUSII languages. Through such derivations I establish that the EKEGUSII language was a progenitor Biblical language and also a part of the Egyptian culture like the Abagusii elders relayed. I will derive the first 4 Hebrew Alphabets out of the Ekegusii Bantu language . I tackle the branch of Mdu Ntr scholars who deny Hebrewism as a part of African-ness and Egyptian culture. In the second and last part of this video I show examples of ancient Egyptian or MDU NTRR, as well as ANCIENT HEBREW in the EKEGUSII languages. Through such derivations I establish that the EKEGUSII language was a progenitor Biblical language and also a part of the Egyptian culture like the Abagusii elders relayed.